Thanksgiving Community Cooking Program
The Tikkun Olam Committee is excited to bring back the Thanksgiving Community Cooking Program this year.
In conjunction with others in Northern Westchester, you can help this large Tikkun Olam (Social Action) program feed 4,000 people for Thanksgiving in Westchester and the Bronx. Together at Beth El we will be cooking turkeys and making mashed potatoes. We also have a few additional projects to do on Sunday, November 24. There are many opportunities for you to help that day and beforehand.
Here is how you can help:
Cook Together
On Sunday, November 24 we need as many people as possible to wash, peel and chop hundreds of pounds of potatoes in order to make trays of mashed potatoes. We will have some additional projects as well.
The Main Event!
Potato Peeling, Cutting, and Mashing
This year we are asking members to drop off potatoes (in advance, if possible)
Other projects:
• Cooking & Carving Turkeys (We need 25 turkeys)
(cooking Saturday or at home, carving Sunday)
• Chocolate Dipped Pretzels
• Card Making
• Preparing Flatware
Click here to sign up to volunteer
Schedule for Sunday, November 24:
11:00 am– Religious School K-4 families invited directly after school (please come with 5 or 10lbs of potatoes)
11:30 am-1:00 pm – First and major shift of potato prep and mashing (please come with 5 or 10lbs of potatoes)
11:30 am – ECC family project
1:30pm – Second shift of potato mashing and clean up
2:30pm – Turkey carving (please bring a cutting board and knife)
3:00 pm – Delivery to Shaaray Tefila in Bedford
Cook at Home
Cook a turkey or mashed potatoes at home (click here for our turkey instructions, click here for our mashed potato recipe)
Click here to pledge your turkey and potatoes, so we can plan
Drop off at the temple on Sunday, November 24 between 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Care to help the committee get ready for the day, cook turkeys on Saturday or help plan similar projects? Email us!
Drop off Thanksgiving items listed below to Beth El
Items to drop off between Nov. 17-22
- Potatoes, potatoes, and more potatoes (white or sweet)
- Aluminum Trays (half size, 2" deep)
- Aluminum Roasting Pans (for a full turkey)
Items to drop off between Nov. 17-22
- Frozen Turkeys
Items to drop off between Nov. 20-22
- Thawed Turkeys
Community Program
Join the larger community effort by clicking here for more information.
Huge thanks to our Tikkun Olam Committee:
Marla Brickman, Norma Klein, and Pam Klein.
Fri, March 28 2025
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