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What Sustaining Dues Means...

Explaining our sustaining dues model

Please see the overview of our expenses and revenues below to help understand the financial demands of sustaining our temple.

Each year, as we prepare our budget, our goal is to be able to continue serving our community at a high level, while keeping our expenses down as appropriately as possible. Our annual expenditures include the salaries of our staff – our outstanding clergy team, top-notch professional staff and fine teachers -- as well as the costs of operating and maintaining our beautiful facility, debt service obligations on the temple’s mortgage, programming, security and other needs: 

Pledge income is the largest component (38%) of our  income. Every dollar of pledge income is critical to providing programs and services to our members.  While our proposed budget is in balance, we do not presently have a large cushion to fall back on if our pledge income and other revenue sources fall short. 

The Sustaining Level is the average amount of member dollars needed to support our programs and services based on our operating budget and historical experience. The majority of our members (61%) pledge at this Sustaining Level.  Those who are not able to pledge at the Sustaining Level strive to come as close as their finances allow. We welcome all congregants and do not turn anyone away for an inability to pay at the Sustaining Level.  This this inclusiveness enables those who cannot pay the Sustaining Level to participate and contribute as vital members of the Temple Beth El community.  Sustaining Level commitments make up the largest portion of our Pledge base and help ensure our financial stability. 

Further details are available upon request.  Contact Gennifer Kelly at gkelly@bethelnw.org.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785