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		                                    TBE's Religious School		                                </span>

TBE's Religious School


Temple Beth El believes Jewish learning is a life-long endeavor that should nurture the whole person—head (knowledge acquisition), hand (doing/action), heart (beliefs and values), and feet (belonging).  Our best learning occurs when we strive to create a Kehilah Kedoshah; a sacred community, where our families feel a sense of belonging.  Our Religious School provides our students from pre-school through twelfth grade with engaging and experiental Jewish learning. A wealth of Jewish traditions, history, Bible, Hebrew, music and holiday celebrations are shared by classmates and their families as they discover the richness and uniqueness of our heritage. It is our goal that all students feel an enthusiastic connection to the Jewish people and this temple as a house of study, of Jewish observance and prayer, and a place to come together as a community.

The goal of Hebrew at Temple Beth El is fluent Siddur reading, an understanding of the key prayers in the Shabbat Morning Service, and a basic knowledge of selections from the Friday Evening Service.  After completing our Hebrew program, our students will be able to go into any synagogue, anywhere in the world, be familiar with the prayers, and feel at home.  Our Hebrew curriculum, beginning in the first grade, is aimed at building Hebrew fluency and skills.  We want to ensure that our children are ready to begin their preparations to become a Bar or Bat Mitzvah eight months before their scheduled date.  To learn more about our grade by grade curriculum and our Teen Program, please visit the Curriculum Section below.

If you have any questions about Religious School, please feel free to contact us at 914-238-5641 or religiousschool@bethelnw.org.

Our Religious School Committee Co-chairs welcome your feedback on our program.  Please feel free to be in touch with Lindsay Finkler or Laurie Levine.

For more information on our Youth Activities Committee, feel free to be in touch with our co-chairs Michelle Dinenberg and Emily Guthman.

See our bulletin, The Ladder, for monthly Religious School highlights!


Additional Links:
K-7th Grade Calendar
Teen Program Calendar
8th-12th Grade: Three Tracks of Post B’nei Mitzvah Engagement
Class Schedule
K-6th Grade Youth Activities
Busing Information
Parent Handbook
Tuition Schedule
B'nei Mitzvah Blessings & Prayers
Educational Vision

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785