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Celebrate Purim!

Megillah Reading and Study with Rabbi Londy
Friday, March 22 at 6:30 pm

On this Purim, don’t miss the opportunity to hear the words of the Megillah and to delve into some of the themes of the holiday as they relate to our modern tradition.

We will be relating to some age-old themes from the Book of Esther and going down the rabbit hole of the backwards nature of the festival.

All are welcome!  Looking forward to seeing you there.

Purim Shabbat Celebration with Band and Choir
Friday, March 22 at 7:15 pm

Join the Beth El community in this festive Shabbat Service celebrating a Poppins themed Purim!  Lots of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious music and hamantashen. Bring your box of pasta or macaroni & cheese to use as a grogger, which then can be donated to the food pantry.  All are welcome to come in costume or just as you are. Click here for updates.

Sunday, March 24
9:00-10:30 AM ECC Families
11:00 AM-12:30 PM  Religious School Students

Click here to purchase your admissions bracelet that includes unlimited access to Games, Bounce Houses, Glitter Tattoos, Face Painting, Balloon Animals, Snow Cones, Cotton Candy, Popcorn, Spin Art, Sand Art, Mishloach Manot Prize Bag & more!

Generously Supported By:

Mishloach Manot Fundraiser
Order by Monday, March 11, 2024! 

We are so excited to launch our seventh annual Mishloach Manot Purim Fundraiser benefiting our Religious School! 

Mishloach Manot - sending food and gifts to friends and family - is one of the four mitzvot performed on Purim. Please join us in our synagogue-wide mitzvah benefiting our Religious School, where families can purchase a gift for other members of the TBE community. 

Members can pick up their Mishloach Manot at the temple from Sunday, March 17th through Sunday, March 24th. If you are unable to pick it up, please contact us at PurimFundraiser@bethelnw.org 

Here's how it works
For just $3.00 per recipient, you can send a gift to anyone on the temple’s membership list, school roster, or clergy/staff team. Or, for an optimum donation of $180, you can choose as many recipients as you like, including the entire congregation with just one click! This is the best value and will automatically cover your reciprocity. And it means that every family on the list will receive one gift and a Purim email that lists all of the members who participated in purchasing the Mishloach Manot. 

If you have not received an email from the ‘TBE Religious School Committee’ with the subject title: Mishloach Manot is Here!!!, on February 12th or if you have any questions, please contact us at PurimFundraiser@bethelnw.org

Thank you in advance for your generosity and participation in this important fundraiser for TBE’s Religious School. 

Tue, January 21 2025 21 Tevet 5785