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ECC PJs & Pizza Party
Wednesday, August 9 at 5:00 pm
Click here to RSVP
Join your ECC friends and family for a fun & cozy night of PJs, pizza, and a chance to meet Rabbi Londy!

Annual Hawaiian Luau Shabbat Service & Dinner
Friday, August 25
Dinner at 6:00 pm - Click here to RSVP
Festive Shabbat Service at 7:15 pm

Since Rabbi Jaffe hails from Hawaii, we welcomed him to the congregation with a festive luau. We extend this tradition to our new rabbi and want you to join us in celebrating Rabbi Londy's arrival to the Beth El community! Come in festive attire.

Back to Shul BBQ
Sunday, September 10 from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Click here to RSVP
Food and entertainment for all with our special guest of honor, Rabbi Londy! Join us for this free event.

Small Social Outings
Please RSVP on the event pages

A great opportunity for conversation with our new rabbi in a small group. Open to the entire congregation, but limited to the first 15 to sign up.
Welcome Coffee at Bobo's
Friday, September 8 at 11:00 am
Click here to RSVP
  Coffee at Bobo's
Monday, October 30 at 10:00 am
Click here to RSVP

Meet & Greet for B'nei Mitzvah Parents
Monday, October 2
5:00 pm for 6th Grade Parents - Click here to RSVP
6:15 pm for 7th Grade Parents - Click here to RSVP

Schmooze over wine and cheese while you get to know Rabbi Londy!

Leora Londy, our new Assistant Rabbi, sat down to answer questions big and small, ranging from the profound to the mundane.  Please check out her three part interview in the videos below. 
Many thanks to our student, Zach Paschkes, for his video editing! 


Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784