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  • 		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    High Holy Days		                                </span>

High Holy Day Tickets for Members

High Holy Day Tickets are for temple members only.   To request your tickets, click here: Here is your link to request High Holy Day tickets.

A member can only open the High Holy Day Ticket Request Form if they already have set up their account here on our website.  If at the top of this page you see "Login", it means you still need to set up an account.  Here are the instructions on how to do that:
Click “Login” above and then click Forgot Password, enter your email address and our system will send you a password. Go back to Login and now enter your email address and your password. You will then be logged in and the ticket webpage will open for you.

* Tickets are for members only.  A member may purchase a Guest Ticket for any out-of-town family member who will be attending with you. If you have local friends that would like to come, please ask that they contact the temple office. If your out-of-town family member belongs to another temple, you will see a Reciprocity Ticket; use that so you don’t have to pay, however be sure the family member fills out this form so their temple may confirm their membership.

The ticket form is set up as follows:

Step 1 click on Rosh Hashanah and choose all of the services and programs you will be attending over that holiday. 

Step 2 click Select Other Events at the bottom and then choose Yom Kippur. You can again select all the services and programs. 

Step 3 continue on for Guest Tickets, Reciprocity Tickets and/or Handicap Parking, if desired. 

  • For all of the above:
  • Be sure to get select the number of tickets you want for each service/program. 
  • You do not have to start Step 1 with Rosh Hashanah if you are only coming on Yom Kippur.

Step 4 click Checkout Now. On this page you will need to input your information as well as the name to be associated with each ticket. Helpful hint: you can put in one name and copy & paste it down the page, then do the next person, etc.

Step 5 click Submit Order

*The only tickets with any cost are Guest Tickets. $50 per person per day.

*Once you have submitted your ticket request, the SimpleTix software will email you your tickets. You and your family will need their tickets to enter the temple. You may want to print out your tickets, however you can also show them on your smartphone to the greeter. 

As a reminder, all of our sanctuary services are live streamed and recorded for any congregant who does not feel comfortable or is unable to attend High Holy Day services in person. 

Sun, March 30 2025 1 Nisan 5785