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Bader Lecture Featuring HonestReporting Executive Director Gil Hoffman

Sunday, October 15, 2023 30 Tishrei 5784

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Topic: Israel Under Fire: An Insider’s Look at the Fight for Israel on the Military and Media Battlefields 

Gil Hoffman will discuss what led to the worst attack on the Jewish state, the lessons to be learned and the possible outcomes. He will analyze recent Israeli political developments and discuss coverage of the war and whether Israel has been treated fairly. 

Thank you to all who registered for this program. Lunch will be provided and sponsored by the Bader Fund.

Gil Hoffman is the Executive Director of HonestReporting, which fights for Israel in the international mainstream and social media; a lecturer on political strategy at Israel’s College of Management and served as chief political correspondent and analyst for The Jerusalem Post for 24 years. The Algemeiner website recently named him one of the top 100 people positively influencing Jewish life, alongside presidents Biden and Zelensky and prime ministers Sunak and Netanyahu.

He was raised in Chicago, graduated Magna Cum Laude from Northwestern University’s School of Journalism, and wrote for the Miami Herald and Arizona Republic before moving to Israel. 

A reserve soldier in the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, he has lectured in every major English-speaking country in the world, more than half the Canadian provinces, and recently made history in Hawaii by becoming the first speaker to have lectured about Israel in all 50 US states. He lives with his family in Jerusalem.

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784