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TBE Committee Details

Descriptions and Contacts

Temple Beth El values the work of its members in overseeing all aspects of the Temple's worship, education, programming and facilities.  If you would like to volunteer for any of these committees, please contact the chair of the committee (click here for chairs) or email Gennifer Kelly, Executive Director (executivedirector@bethelnw.org). 

ADULT EDUCATION COMMITTEE:  The Adult Education Committee organizes and promotes programs of speakers, discussions, panels and other opportunities for adults to learn more about Judaism -- history, religion, current affairs, etc. 

AUDIT COMMITTEE:  The Audit Committee has several important functions: (a) review the operations of the Congregation's accounting and financial affairs; (b) recommend annually to the Board of Trustees the extent and manner in which the financial records of the Temple should be reviewed or audited; (c) oversee any financial review or audit authorized by the Board of Trustees; (d) ensure that all accounting and financial activities have been done in an appropriate manner, and that adequate financial controls are in place.  The Audit Committee consists of three members nominated by the President and approved by the Board of Trustees to staggered three-year terms that commence at the beginning of the Congregation’s fiscal year.  No person who is currently a member of the Finance Committee or has been a member of the Finance Committee during the preceding twelve months may be a member of the Audit Committee.

CARING COMMUNITY COMMITTEE:  The Caring Community Committee is available to assist all congregants  during times of joy or sorrow.  For more details, click here

CEMETERY COMMITTEE:  The Cemetery Committee supervises the sale of cemetery plots to Temple members and their families, and recommends pricing policy to the Board of Trustees and all other activities pertaining to the Temple Cemetery.

COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE:  The Communications Committee is responsible for marketing Temple Beth El -- membership, programs, nursery and religious school and social hall -- to members, potential members and to the community at large.

COLLEGE:  The College Committee ensures the connection between Temple Beth El and those of its members who are away at college, through both regular mailings and sponsorship of gatherings during school holidays.

DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE:  The Development Committee is responsible for raising money to support general Temple activities as well as specific programs and to fund facility requirements as needed.

FINANCE COMMITTEE:  The Finance Committee has oversight responsibility for the financial affairs of the Congregation, including the establishment of financial policies and procedures, submission of operating and capital budgets and other financial reports to the Board of Trustees and the Congregation.  In addition, the Finance Committee supervises the distribution and collection of pledge forms, and oversees the collection of dues, assessments, fees and other sums in cooperation with the Treasurer.

HOUSE COMMITTEE:  The House Committee has responsibility to maintain the building and property of the Congregation in good order and repair. 

LAW AND CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE:  The Law and Constitution Committee advises the Board of Trustees, Officers and Congregation on all legal matters relative to Temple activities, and interprets and gives opinion concerning the Constitution and By-Laws.

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: The Leadership Development Committee oversees the bi-annual leadership workshops for those Temple members interested in taking on committee or board leadership roles in the future. 

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE:  The Membership Committee has the twin goals of promoting Temple Beth El to potential new members as well as promoting the spirit of fellowship among current congregants.

NOMINATING: The Nominating Committee identifies potential Trustees and Officers from among members of the congregation, and nominates an annual slate for election to fill any openings by the members at the Annual Meeting in May.

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL COMMITTEE:   The Religious School Committee works with the Director of Education to oversee the policies and programs of the Religious School, including employment of teachers and adoption of the course of study.

TIKKUN OLAM COMMITTEE:  The Tikkun Olam Committee organizes and promotes all of the social justice and social action activities and programs of the Temple.  More information can be found here.

WORSHIP COMMITTEE:  The Worship Committee establishes policies concerning the worship and lifecycle rituals and observances of the Congregation.  It has primary responsibility for organizing High Holy Day and other holiday services, as well as Friday evening and Saturday Shabbat worship.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785