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		                                    about us		                                </span>

Our History

Since our founding we have been blessed with spiritual leaders who guided the growth of our congregation and helped craft its very special place in Reform Judaism:
Rabbi Solomon Kahn Kaplan (1949-1950; 1952-1960);

Rabbi Sholem A. Singer (1950-1952);

Rabbi C. Melvyn Helfgott (1960-1962);

Rabbi Murray Saltzman (1962-1967); 

Rabbi Edward Zerin (1967-1968);

Rabbi Chaim Stern (1968-2001), author, poet, Biblical scholar and Chief Liturgist of the Reform movement, who led our congregation for 33 years.

Rabbi Alan Fuchs (2001-2002) joined the Temple Beth El family as Interim Senior Rabbi during the 2001-2002 transition.

Rabbi Joshua M. Davidson (2002-2013), nationally recognized for his leadership in Social Justice and Interfaith initiatives, led the congregation as Senior Rabbi until 2013.

Rabbi Alan Fuchs (2013-2014) returned to the Temple Beth El family again as Interim Senior Rabbi while the congregation was in the process of finding our next Senior Rabbi.

Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe (2014-present)

Our temple building, designed by the important 20th century architect Louis Kahn, was conceived as a memorial to the Eastern European Jewish past, after whose wooden synagogues it was patterned. This spiritual home was completed and dedicated in May 1972.  In 2011 the temple's building was expanded to include a social hall, specialized classrooms and more overall functionality. 

Complete Temple History

Sun, March 2 2025 2 Adar 5785