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4th Grade

Attending twice a week, fourth grade students will engage in serious Torah study, particularly around our people’s foundational journey from Egypt to Israel and the birth of the Jewish nation. Our textbook, The Explorers Bible, introduces students to the study of Torah, and each chapter offers a Torah portion for the children to read, study, and learn to interpret. Students will engage in lively discussions as they work collaboratively to draw connections between the ancient biblical text and our contemporary lives. 

Additionally, the fourth graders will participate in an in depth, multi-week examination of New York Jewish immigration  and its impact on our present lives. The culmination of this unit is a “Living Wax Museum,” where each student will bring to life the persona of an influential American Jewish immigrant for their families and classmates. We also take a grade level trip to the Tenement Museum on the Lower East Side and visit Economy Candy and the Pickle Guys.

Using the Behrman House textbook, Shalom Uv’Racha that builds upon the third grade Hebrew curriculum, the fourth grade Hebrew program focuses on Hebrew decoding, fluency, and reading proficiency. By the end of the fourth grade year, all students should be able to open a Hebrew prayer book and read it with confidence and ease. This year is aimed at not only Hebrew proficiency, but also building confidence in one’s Hebrew language facility. Through games and hands-on activities, children will develop a deep love of and appreciation for the Hebrew language. Hebrew on Sundays will take place in larger classes, and instruction on Tuesdays will take place in smaller groups and include an enrichment, such as gaga or Krav Maga.

4th grade families have the opportunity to participate in a family education session and a parent education session taught by a member of our clergy team.  Additionally, 4th grade students will share a shabbat dinner and lead a First Friday Shabbat Service, where they will also be honored with a siddur ceremony, and receive a copy of the Reform Siddur, Mishkan T’filah, formally marking the beginning of their Hebrew prayer studies.


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Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785